A Message from the Maker

Abbie Dreamer wearing a yellow hat

Hello! I’m Abbie Dreamer, a Christian artist with a passion for creating. I am the one person team behind everything you see on this site. Every product on this site is handmade by me; my two hands have meticulously crafted each piece to perfection.

How did this site and business come to be? I'm glad you asked!

I grew up with a lot of freedom to create art and craft whatever I liked. Owning a business and selling what I make has been a dream of mine for many years now. More specifically, it's been a dream since high school when I found out about small business owners. As they shared their experiences being a small business owner, they inspired my dreams of owning a business and they inspired me to keep pursuing my passions.

This passion for creating was something that God put in me. Throughout high school, when I started taking my walk with Him seriously, God showed me how He delighted in everything that I made. He revealed to me my calling as an artist. As a creative. This excited me and pushed me even more to chase the dreams he has given me of selling what I make.

When I found out that there was an entrepreneurship minor at the college that I'm attending, I decided to take the classes for that minor in order to have the knowledge I needed to achieve this dream. This site is actually the result of one of those classes! I couldn't be more thankful for what my professors have taught me and how God has led me to finally take the leap and start this business.

With this business, I hope to honour God with everything I do. I appreciate all the support and I'm thankful that I am able to own this business and do what I love!

- Abbie


Want to know more about me? Check out my socials!